Saturday, April 17, 2010

This is the Left In Action: Who Are the Nazis? You Decide!

The Left, a bunch with no ideas except tyranny, come to a Tea Party and demonstrate their mindlessness. Now I have to suggest that doing this should be counter productive. I mean the sheer contrast between the Tea Party people who are decent main stream people who are concerned for their country's direction as it takes on massive debt and takes control of large sectors of the economy which the government has no special competence nor right to invade, these people are contrasted with vulgar nutniks who come out and call obscene names and do obscene things. The the media largely ignores these kinds of provocations which conjuring phony ones against the Tea Party. I saw some of this kind of thing, although not as bad, at the local Tea Party I went to in Harrisonburg Virginia. There it was just a couple of nuts with provocative signs, but the spirit was largely the same. Get the picture? HERE'S MORE

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