Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Diversity as a Mantra is Bunk

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite people, concludes this short essay with:"Multiculturalism enshrines the sins and grievances approach-- and paints the poor into a corner, where they can nurse their resentments, instead of advancing their skills and their prospects. The beneficiaries are politicians and race hustlers." It's hard to find a more succinct summary of the standard liberal approach to problems: Find someone to blame and claim victimhood, then get government to pass some sort of legislation punishing the innocent and awarding benefits to the undeserving. Yup, that sounds like the perfect solution advanced by the politicians and race hustlers that dominate the left. The real solution is of course to find out what works and pursue excellence. Cultures are not created equal. Some encourage industry and advancement and others don't. The advance of the West was not at the expense of the East. The two spheres were hardly aware of each other. Today with our instant communications we know far more than anyone ever did before about what is happening in the world. Respect for individual differences is a good thing, but ignoring the differences as if they don't matter at all is simply a blind thing. Every difference, whatever it is, has consequences large or small. The proper thing to do is to learn through discernment which differences are important and contribute to grown and excellence and adopt those preferentially to those that don't. Learning is always a smart thing to do.

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