Sunday, April 25, 2010

Insanity Is Looking at Reality and Refusing to See It for What It is!

SEE HERE As a nation we are on a path which can only lead to the end of a great country. The only question is do we end in fire or famine. We continue to imagine that the reason Islamic countries hate us is some extrinsic cause like how we're treated them or Israel or the Crusades. The plain reality is different: 1) Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of perpetual war against those who have not embraced Islam and it counsels violence against them when possible, strategic peace as they gather their strength when they are in the minority. 2) Israel is surrounded by Islamic nations that refuse to recognize her right to exist period. See (1) for the strategies in part, but also implacable demands for things that move them closer to destroying Israel. 3) The Crusades were far from how they are generally characterized by progressives. The Crusades were launched not only to keep the pilgrimage routes open to Jerusalem, but to relieve the on-going attacks on the Eastern Roman Empire based in Constantinople. This was a just cause. The idea that Islam somehow was the victim in a Western aggression is to ignore hundreds of years of violence Islam had visited on Christian countries as they laid siege and conquered them.

The West needs to be very wary of how they treat Islam and Muslims. This imaginary claim that they are a religion of peace with a few radical bad apples is simple ostrich behavior. This is the perpetual claim of Islam when it is not strong enough to conquer. It should be illuminating to watch Western Europe as the Islamic minority goes to parity and then to a majority. Don't expect it to be pretty.

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