Monday, April 12, 2010

The War Against Prayer Continues: Abolish the ACLU

The continued war of the few against the many. Prayer is a personal right and it is an outrage that we continue to have this as an issue. The Bill of Rights clearly says that the “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Now it seems to me (yeah I'm not a Constitutional Lawyer but I am a pretty good writer of English) that the courts have taken an activist posture on this which amounts to establishing atheism, an active denial of religious rights. Now it is pretty obvious that the intent of this clause was to deny the federal government the right of establishing a required religion. Requiring active irreligion seems to be in direct contravention of the clause. If I want to pray out loud I have a constitutional right to do so. It's called free speech. Prayer is no less speech than any other kind of speech.

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