Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Left Can't Escape Its Own Narrative

SEE HEREThe polarization of society these days is quite breathtaking. Both right and left suffer from it, but the left more than the right because the left takes as its fundamental mantra descended from its Marxist and extremists' roots that everything is politics and that truth doesn't matter, only dominating the discourse and ending up on top. The right, in this atmosphere of the eternal dialectic with propagandists and spin doctors, has started to catch the same disease. It is deadly and the victim is truth. Truth is the way things really are and not how they are perceived. When someone says "Perceptions are reality!" you have met someone who only cares about power and influence and not about the way things really are. The way things really are is fairly simple: You are born, made in the image and likeness of God, and you develop either to become an eternal glory or an eternal horror and then you die and are judged. To see this in a much more beautiful setting read C.S. Lewis's sermon "The Weight of Glory." You'll be glad you did!

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