Saturday, September 18, 2010

Panic Sets In and the Spin Goes On

SEE HERE Anything, anything to stop the rise of liberty as Tea Party candidates rise from the political shadows. What is going on? Perhaps it is liberty rising. Perhaps it is a new awareness among the electorate that Democrats are bad for the republic and RINOs are only Democrat lite. Maybe that's what it is. And maybe it's the spin the media spin doctors suggest, just bad luck for the president that his gargantuan efforts to "stimulate" the economy have not borne fruit quickly enough. No one can be sure, but spin almost by definition is about lying gracefully and everyone has had their fill. Newt Gingrich at the Value Voters Summit in Washington D.C. today sounded an interesting comparison with Poland and the 2+2=4 protest. It was very instructional. Ultimately truth trumps lies and that's the point. We're running out of other people's money so socialism, whatever else it can do, can't have a long life.

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