Monday, September 20, 2010

Rush Calls Rove On His Beltway Bigotry

SEE HERE "Why not fight for it? Castle's OK as the 51st vote, but this woman isn't?" Limbaugh asked.

"Everyone I know that saw this was just — they were perplexed and said, 'What's going on? Why is he so mad at a Republican?'" Rush complained of Rove's move.

"Where was this anger directed at a Democrat ever?" Rush asked again.

Can you ever remember a Democrat leader urging fellow Democrats not to support Al Franken when he won his Senate seat — despite a blizzard of oddities he provided over his long career?

This kind of response from Republican talking heads is one of the reasons that people are angry. The election result was that Christine O'Donnell won ... she got the most votes. The people have spoken and these smug self-satisfied talking heads from the Republican party can only whine that their RINO didn't win. What is going on here? It looks for all the world like these people think they are in charge and not the electorate. We've come to expect that kind of stuff from Demon-crats, but now it's coming from Republicans too. It's time for a broad house cleaning in Washington while there is still time and people still pay some attention to elections. If it goes much further than it is now, elections will no longer work and the system will have collapsed. "A shining city on a hill ..." as Reagan described us, will have become a stinking slum of favoritism and privilege and no-one need apply except the anointed ones. It stinks! November Is Coming! and It's Your Last Chance to Make a Difference.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not thinking Rove will ever guest host for El Rushbo again. Just fine as far as I'm concerned - let all the Bushies be consigned to outer darkness for bringing us to this brink.
    "Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive"
