Monday, September 6, 2010

Perceptions versus Reality

SEE HEREI don't know much about Bob Livingston who wrote this. He sends me a daily newsletter headlined: Personal Liberty Digest. A lot of times he makes a lot of sense. Sometimes he comes across as a nut-job, so you can flip a coin. I had a boss once that liked to say "Perception is reality." That's actually a bit of a scary idea. It means that if I can fool you into thinking something, then for you, that's reality. Only on the surface is perception reality. Reality is true while perceptions may or may not be true. That's why you need as many perspectives as possible. I still remember a conversation with a friend that I had now many years ago, around 1963. We were walking across an aircraft hanger at the Naval Air Development Center and we were talking about how complex avionics systems had become and whether anyone really understood them. My friend said: "My dad says it is all a game of 'who do you trust?'" That's stuck with me a long time because I thought at the time and I still think that it is one of the most perceptive statements. So Who Do You Trust? November Is Coming!

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