Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Shutting Down the Government: I Wish That Were A Real Option!

SEE HERE This phony baloney about shutting down the government as if that would be a terrible thing, keeps being floated around by the media as a scare tactic. It might work with the neuron depleted brains of the media, but those who actually read history (a minority unfortunately) shutting down the government has all sorts of good points. It's too bad we can't shut it down in rotation and just get say one half government parceled out by quarters or something.

I've been listening to a Teaching Company course on ancient Rome, a pretty impressive operation, and their magistrates were all appointed for a year, could not be reappointed, and didn't get remunerated, it was considered an honor and a public service. So wrapped up into one tight package you had term limits (BTW most terms were for a single year), you had fiscal restraint, and many offices were duplicated and action required agreement on the part of the people holding the office (like the consulship). You could not run for a higher office unless you had held the requisite lower office. That ensure appropriate experience.

Some of those features ought to be built into our government. It's no wonder Rome ruled the world. It also helped that they had the best military in the world at the time. The most flexible, the most dedicated, the most disciplined and hence nearly invincible.

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