Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Being Lectured On Immorality By the Immoral

SEE HERE I find it simply astonishing when a liberal lectures me on morality. Given that the liberal mindset is essentially without a moral underpinning, only a commitment to having their way regardless of what it is. This makes them very flexible. They can change position one hundred and eight degrees (that's a complete turn around for the geometrically challenged) in a flash and tell you one minute that black is white and white is black. War is wrong if Bush started it and just fine if Clinton or Obama started it. As for money ... Liberals never found any money owned by a rich man that wasn't fair game. What they don't tell you is that their operational definition of a rich man is anyone who happens to have any money. They're always hell-bent to spend us into prosperity by first beggaring us and then spending the ill gotten gains on whatever hairbrained schemes they've dreamed up to "save the whales or the planet or something or other, diversity, multiculturalism, gay pride ... " any issue will do and whether it's true or not doesn't matter.

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