Thursday, June 16, 2011

Education? Explain to me what it is before you have the federal government get involved ...

SEE HERE What passes for education in the United States, especially at the elementary and secondary levels is pretty sad judging from the product we're getting. Most students come out brainwashed and slavish and unable to do fundamental things like write cursive, like understand basic algebra and do any sort of calculations without a calculator, or parse a sentence or discern the difference between an assertion and an argument. Education is a disaster area and it's arguably due to the homogenization and politicalization of it by the public schools. Contrast the abilities of home schooled kids with those of the public system and you'll quickly see that there are fundamental problems. The nation got along without public schools for a long time. In the interests of a free society we need an educated citizenry, however accomplishing that with centralized government mandated and regulated machinery is a recipe for poor quality, politically motivated indoctrination. The more centralized the more problematical. HOME SCHOOLING

Education is the responsibility of the parents. The principle of subsidiarity is a principle that holds that nothing should be done by a larger and more complex organization which can be done as well by a smaller and simpler organization. SEE ACTON INSTITUTE When we move away from this principle we strip intervening institutions of their rights, especially the family which is the only unit that has an ingrained natural right and responsibility to pursue the education of their children. When the state intervenes, especially with compulsion, they are violating the rights of families except in situations that can be shown to be abusive or neglectful and then only with safeguards for the state is no guarantee of rectitude. Tyranny is most easily spread by distant power.

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