Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coulter on the Debate .... and Demonic!

Generally speaking I am always amused and informed by Ann Coulter. She is simply witty and brilliant, but sometimes she pushes the envelope. On politics the conventional wisdom is certainly what she was pushing with O'Reilly about the character of presidential hopefuls — There is no doubt that generally they need to run from the Senate or from executive positions of political leadership like governorships. It is rare that a congressman or someone from the private sector can win. I think that's certainly the conventional wisdom and it's one of the problems with the system. Essentially that means you can't be president unless you come from a long lineage of political positions. No wonder we have such a jaded and phony political elite entrenched in Washington. We need to change that. I liked all of the candidates in the CNN debate, even Ron Paul and I say "even" because I agree that Libertarians are a bit over the top. HERE's ANN's COLUMN

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