Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Birther Thread

SEE HERE So is he or isn't he? The story that will not die is the question of whether Barack Obama is Constitutionally eligible to be president. There seem to be several threads to this story: 1) One theme is that being born in Hawaii would make him eligible, 2) One theme is that he's definitely not eligible because both his parents are not American citizens, 3) But then there's also the thread that his parents were never married, and 4) the question about whether the person supposed to be his father even is, and again the thread that 5) he was really born in Kenya or 6) the thread that his citizenship was renounced. Then of course that are a zillion collateral threads about whether he really went to the colleges he's supposed to have gone to and whether he received scholarship aid as a foreign national and all sorts of other things. Without doing more research I can't even keep up with all the speculation. But in any case here's a long list of links that let you explore to your heart's content. Whatever he is, he's a lousy president.

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