Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do You Feel Safer Now?

SEE HERE I think the TSA should be shut down along with Homeland Security. It's rapidly growing into a Gestapo-line agency that invades the privacy of citizens with unannounced searches and seizures that seem random and unmotivated. The primary result of such things is not to improve our safety but to make us fearful. What I am fearful of is that this is simply a step, ever so incremental, towards tyranny. The central government was never seen as an overarching central power except in the case of enumerated powers. This has been changing inexorably over the past century and if it is not stopped and reversed the whole governmental system of the United States will be transformed in the direction of centralized tyranny. There is no reason for and many against such a thing. Central government is ever insensitive to the people for it is far away in space and bureaucratic and uninformed about local conditions.

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