Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's All Spin and Propaganda

SEE HERE My mantra continues to be "Show me the data." And I never see real data and the few times I've seen some real data it turns out to be either "cherry picked" or "fraudulent." The cherry picked data is data culled from a larger set where you only pick the data that supports your position. BUZZZZZZ... (Bad Science!) and the fraudulent data is data that has been cooked usually either by being just spun up from someone's guesses (Greenpeace activists, other environmental wonks who just state their "fears" without substantiation.) The latest is claiming the oceans are rising and we'll all be flooded out soon on the coasts when in fact there is no data to support it, but then there's a claim that the landmasses are rising at the same rate (What!? Are you serious?) Now I don't have a whole lot of time for nonsense. If there is a problem show me some real data and corroborate it from multiple sources. If you have satellite data then how does it correlate with terrestrial data? If you adjusted the data, please explain why and show some, any, justification. The reality is that most of what seems to be climate science looks very much like spin to achieve an agenda. I find it very hard to buy. Just suck it up and "Show me the data." After you show me the raw data, you can pretty it up and explain why you have to "adjust" it to be more accurate or something. I'm really tired of being gulled by things like the Mann Hockey Stick. Give me a break!

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