Thursday, August 11, 2011

If You Do What You've Always Done, You Get What You've Always Got

SEE HERE Liberals are not so much poor learners as dedicated anti-capitalists. It doesn't matter that Keynesian economics doesn't work. It only matters that it damages the free market. Robert Ringer has their number. They're not so much clueless as total ideologues which means that learning from their failures is not an option. It was never on the table as a goal. A true ideologue doesn't care about facts only the "dream", the mirage they are pursuing with commitment and dedication however wrong it is. I think it was Eric Hoffer who called that kind of thinking "the true believers" but somewhere along the line when you've battered your head against the brick wall long enough, it makes sense to open the gate. Free enterprise is the most successful way ever found to uplift society materially. The lesson is that you would to get out of the way so that the free enterprise engine can restore the damage you've done.

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