Sunday, August 14, 2011

Learn to Walk to Work

SEE HERE You shouldn't be allowed to make regulations about technology unless you actually understand technology. When the government is through passing nonsense regulations about car mileage the cars will be unaffordable and lethal and nothing will actually have been achieved except that a bunch of feel-good greenies will pat themselves on the back and say they saved the planet. But the planet is not in any danger from automobiles or from fossil fuel consumption. That's all more of the myth. Anthropogenic CO2 does not cause appreciable global warming. That's a fact. So all the billions for carbon credits and taxes are just another way to extort money from you. The car nonsense will make cars unaffordable and for no reason. It's time to get government out of our knickers. What's most outrageous is that folks doing this seem to have no idea whatsoever about how any of the stuff they are affecting actually works. They live is some lala land where you can change the value of pi by passing a law and if you don't like 30 miles per gallon, pass a law to make it 100 miles per gallon. Which part of the Constitution exactly give the government the right to do any of this? It's simply outrageous.

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