Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Get Rolling On the Tenth Amendment!

SEE HERE It's almost always better to be rolling than not, but it's even better if you're rolling in the right direction. The Federal government has been growing and growing since before I was born and it keeps going. It's not that it's doing what it ought to, it just finds more things to do that it oughtn't to. So we need to get this puppy turned around and roll for a century or so in the other direction and divest the country of all these extra things that they shouldn't be doing. Never do for someone what they can do for themselves. There is a principle called subsidiarity and it basically says that you should do stuff as close to home as possible. We should be building up people's personal responsibility and initiative and not replacing it with government hand outs and hand holding. It should be morning in America again and not the twilight time of darkness descending.

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