Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Liberal Rant Shows No Sense of Accountability

The problem is the degree of government spending. The government is addicted to spending on all sorts of things that are not proper government functions. Examples include bailing out banks "too big to fail", "bailing out failing car companies", over regulation of everything that they can find to regulate. Most egregious is the growing subsidies to bad ideas that are hyped as "green" or involving "sustainability" or any of many more buzz words justifying the generation of more and more regulation which ties the hands of the producers.

Government produces nothing but gum in the works of free enterprise. The affluence we enjoy in America is the result of free enterprise not government. If we keep doing what we are doing now we will destroy the freest and wealthiest nation in the world. When we collapse, the greatest experiment in freedom will be over and darkness will descend on the world darker than the darkness that descended when Rome fell.

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