Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Problem is that the NIC is None Too Smart!

SEE HERE The most amusing myth about the Obama presidency is that he's brilliant. Now the superior brilliance of liberals is what is called a trope. My son Christopher is always reading about tropes. A trope is a conventional idea, often one that is exaggerated, over done (a cliche) or even flat wrong. The liberal trope is that liberals are smarter than everyone else. John Kerry, for example, was supposed to be smarter than George Bush, which simply isn't true. If liberals are smart then conservatives are supposed to be dumb and the media is always trying to make that case which doesn't wash either. I'll back the conservative in an argument every time against a liberal.

Obama, however, is a special case. His superpower is smoothly reading a teleprompter and sounding confident and making noise as if he knows what he is talking about. It doesn't appear that there is much of substance there however. I call him the NIC (Narcissist In Charge) because he's so stuck on himself. Whenever anything goes wrong, and with the NIC at the helm almost everything goes wrong, Obama can be counted upon to blame anyone and everyone in sight but himself. He's unimaginative except as a cunning politician and then mostly to try to destroy the reputation of his opponents not confront their ideas. This is the mark of a con-man not a leader. He has the media in his pocket and that is troubling because it is evident that he's trying to overturn American institutions and bring down the economy, especially if he is anywhere near as smart as he's being pitched.

There is however an adage: Hanlon's Razor — "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." So perhaps we can apply it to Obama's total cluelessness.

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