Thursday, August 11, 2011

More Evidence We're On the Wrong Side of the Laffer Curve

"... HUMAN EVENTS cited figures from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) showing that the Bush tax cuts in 2004-06 produced the highest two-year tax revenue increase in the preceding 40 years, ..."

SEE HERE And beyond that more evidence that the White House is more locked into ideology than truth. The truth is that increases in taxes produce not more but less revenue when you're on the wrong side of the Laffer curve. But the White House remains addicted to both more spending and higher taxes. The Keynesians die a slow death because if it works (which it doesn't) they'd be heroes and if it doesn't work they're doing the work they love best, killing the free enterprise system when they think is evil. The only system these liberal progressives approve is one like China which killed 45 million, the centralized collectivized system where bureaucrats just like them are king. Too bad it doesn't work.

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