Thursday, August 11, 2011

Selective Sensitivity

SEE HERE "Sensitivity" is one of those fairly modern buzz words that generally the left uses to condemn the right. We're just not sensitive enough since we insist on things like standards so those enlightened ideologues of the left have developed sensitive labels like homophobe, birther, and lots more to show how sensitive they are. It's remarkable how narrow and onesided, how selective and biased the sensitivity of those who call for diversity of every kind can be. I was startled to see the word in a paper by C.S. Lewis, already identified in 1939 as a false value. I guess that's why I like Lewis so much. He has a brilliant way of seeing straight through the false scrum to the core reality. "Sensitivity" is just another one of those sham words on the left designed to divide and not to unite. The politics of division is ever on their minds. Meanwhile, Obama is celebrating Ramadan and commiserating with those Muslims that lost loved ones in the Twin Towers. How sensitive!

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