Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stupidity 101 — As In Politicians

SEE HERE You have to wonder if any politicians read the Constitution these days. "What that old document. Isn't it in a museum somewhere?" That's the impression you get of what they think, especially those on the left, but those on the right are little better for the most part. Increasingly our "masters" think they can do whatever they want. The rule of law is a distant, vague, and no-longer much honored principle of a bygone era when people actually believed in morals and principles. Now it's government by sound bite and the latest fad intermixed by distractions manufactured in Hollywood by the gossip oriented set. For calibration with the fall of Rome we're probably hoping for a Constantine to shore things up, but that only worked for a while. All things pass away, some faster than others. We're on the fast track.

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