Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Don't Marginalize the Paul Voters — Palin Is Right!

SEE HERE There are a lot of us that are just fed up with the Republican establishment. "The second category of voters is made up of people who detest the Republican establishment. They are fed up with the compromising, lies, defections, and the slow boat to Socialism that Republicans have sailed over the past 40 years. There’s the “Anybody but Obama” voter, but this category of Paul voter is “Anybody but a RINO” or a Romney. Sarah Palin is right. The GOP must be careful not to marginalize Ron Paul and his supporters. Not all Paul supporters are on the fringes." Read more: Who Voted for Ron Paul in Iowa and Why? | Godfather Politics"

The bottom line is that we need to return to distinguishable conservative principles and not the Democrat-lite nonsense that has characterized the Republicans for way too long.  So we need to hold onto the disaffected voters that have turned to Paul out of frustration and build a true conservative alternative that can win.

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