Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Loser A Endorses Loser B — I Am Soooo... Thrilled

SEE HERE Why should we care who John McCain endorses.  He's already demonstrated he's a loser and now he's endorsing another loser.  Why does this make me thing of Bob Dole?  I'm sick of supporting losers just because some highly placed RINOs think they can dominate the party nomination process and pick the candidates.  The Republican grassroots is so much more Conservative than the leadership it's like there are two parties, the grassroots people who are conservative and work hard and the anointed who have forgotten who they are working for just like the Democrats.  It makes you wonder if there is any hope at all for the system. 

Frankly, I was encouraged that Rick Santorum did so well in the Iowa caucuses.  It shows that hard work on the ground can produce effective results independent of just throwing money at the problem.  Romney is a loser.  He will lose to Barack Obama if he is nominated just like John McCain did.  Why shouldn't he?  He's just Obama-lite.  Epic fail!

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