Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is There Anything To This? or Is It Just Another Hit Piece?

SEE HERE I have to confess that I've never been too enamored of Ron Paul. He's always seemed way too Libertarian for me. I'm a small government guy but not so small as to be non-existent. The United States is a big country with a lot of citizens and we need a strong military. We should also do a lot of the stuff Ron Paul supports but this is disturbing and should at least make Ron Paul supporters sit up and take notice. I think it's a good principle to judge people by the company they keep. That little axiom, were it followed, would not have given us Barack Obama in 2008. But if people are going to get on Newt Gingrich's case for sharing the spotlight with Nancy Pelosi, then I think Ron Paul and Barney Frank are an even more unlikely couple. Pay attention, the country you save may be your own!

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