Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Isn't It Time To Stop The Forever War?

SEE HERE "The Forever War" sounds like a term that should be from Orwell's "1984" but it's not. "The Ministry of Peace" is responsible for war in 1984. Increasingly our nation is behaving like the socialist nightmare run by Big Brother in "1984." Words are manipulated to mean the opposite of the reality they denote. Ideas that are unpopular with the anointed are demonized under the label of "Political Correctness." Those that earn a living are demonized as greedy for resisting when their property is confiscated by the state to buy votes froom an ever increasing entitlement class that does not work. The whole thing is a recipe for collapse, but not immediately, not quite yet. So the whole Topsy machine staggers along a bit longer. It's already unsustainable. Now all they have to do is point the figure of blame somewhere so they can escape. Then the class that is blamed is marginalized and attacked. Oh wait! I recognize this plot. The National Socialists in Germany ran this not so terribly long ago. It went to bad places.

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