Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Coulter Gets It Part Right

SEE HERE Whether Romney earned his money or not we can pass over.  I assume that he did although it seems to me he came from a wealthy and influential family in the first place so it might be a stretch that he earned it all.  But I don't know.  I'm disenchanted with Ann Coulter who seems to have become a Romney zombie and simply an apparatchik for the Romney campaign.  However when she zeros in on Democratic wealth and notes that it is virtually all unearned, inherited, married into, etc. I think she puts her finger on a fundamental aspect of American politics.  The Republican party is the party of earned wealth and the rising middle class and the Democrat party is the party of inherited wealth, guilt ridden and buying votes from the poor to suppress the threat poised by those who actually work for a living.  It's fairly obvious when you look for it.  The Republican party, when it has wealth it is almost always new or nearly new wealth, first or second generation.  It's the Democrats for the most part that have the old inherited gentrified wealth with the air of entitlement and genetic superiority.  Of course there's always room for those like John Edwards who simply gulled juries for a living and bilked doctor's insurance companies out of millions.  So I'll give Ann her due.  She pretty much nailed this one.

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