Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Delusions of the Left — Spining the Walker Recall Result

SEE HERE Let's see ... the Democrats force a recall vote, then they spend millions of dollars of union political action funds extracted by force from union dues and even bus union "volunteers" in from surrounding states to do whatever it is they were supposed to do, but the poor babies are now claiming that they were outspent because wicked meanie conservatives donated money and time (that darn Tea Party extremists) to get the vote out and they went down worse than they did in the election that elected Walker. The poor whiny-butt babies. If they had won they'd be trumpeting it as the great vindication. No defeat is ever because you're just plain wrong if you're a Liberal. It's always because you've been victimized by the other side. Somebody should introduce these losers to the real world. I'm hopeful that that introduction takes place in November in a landslide across the board. We can't survive four more years of these criminals. MORE

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