Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Climate Wars Continue

SEE HERE There is something quite bizarre about the whole environmental movement. So much of it is based on emotion and bad science, often no science or conjecture and to meet imagined emergencies we are to panic and impose billions of dollars in tax to do things that are likely not necessary and in many cases not effective. It is doubtful that wind power can every contribute more than a very small fraction of total energy needs. Automobiles are not the environmental disaster they are made out to be even if the worst things said about them were true and they aren't. It all seems to be about power over people using phony catastrophic doom and gloom to push the panic button.

The whole thing puts me in mind of the story about the man in the park scaring elephants. He's sitting on a park bench making all kinds of strange noises and a passer by asks him what he is doing and he says "I'm scaring the elephants." Sensibly enough the passer by says "But there are no elephants here." The man replies, "See, very effective isn't it?"

That's the shtick they're playing with global warming and cap and trade. Scare'em, propose an expensive power grabbing fix and spend money like there's no tomorrow. Then when nothing happens claim it's all because of the programs that were put in place just in time.

There is not one whit of evidence that any global warming that is happening is out of the ordinary and at least currently there is no global warming happening because it's been getting colder since 1998. We've been lied to, manipulated, given all kinds of false data and hoked up models that have never been validated, manipulated the peer review process and intimidated scientists who had the audacity to point out the emperor has no clothes. Now they want to somehow retrench and say this is only a temporary setback, global warming is real after all.

I don't think so.

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