Sunday, March 21, 2010

What Part of "NO" Don't They Understand

CHECK IT OUT The web site that is linked has a bunch of pictures from the Washington DC turnout yesterday to protest the coming vote to take over the healthcare system of the United State, an unconstitutional and undesired move by a runaway and out of control congress that imagines they are our masters and not our servants. After months of watching them ignore Town Hall meetings, vilify their opposition, ignore helpful and much more success oriented approaches that actually take the interests of Americans into account and not just government bureaucracy we have come to this juncture. Today we will find out how many "representatives" have the courage to say "No" to what is a total violation of the oath they have taken to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Instead they want to impose cradle to grave mandated nanny-care administered by distant and faceless bureaucrats and paid for no-one really knows how since they are already in debt up to their ears to the Chinese and anyone else stupid enough to buy treasury bills. How will it all play out? We have a lot of historical precedents and I know of none that end in a good place. We stand up and say "No" now, or our children will have to fight to restore the freedom that their parents and grandparents had.

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