Thursday, March 11, 2010

Has the Democratic Party Lost It's Mind?

SEE HERE The shortest answer to that question is "Yes." The next shortest answer is a question "Did they every have a mind?" and the third shortest answer is "Yes, they've become an ideologically driven extreme left movement bent on 'transforming America' into a totalitarian leftist state." I ran into Thomas F. Roeser in a piece titled "Here's How to Make Sense of the Senseless Democratic Party" which ran in the March 11th issue of "The Wanderer." I couldn't find that piece on-line so I substituted this one. Roeser makes the convincing point that the Democratic party has been taken over by the far left Alinsky socialists. He points out that the current proponents of this ideology are even more extreme than Alinsky and that Obama is bought in hook, line and sinker. They are pushing socialized health care despite the huge opposition of the American people because they don't believe that the Republicans would have the guts to repeal it and then since disaster would not strike immediately (they don't do anything but collect money until 2012) the opposition would be discredited and they'd win in 2012 just before the provisions actually start to affect all Americans. Then they'd be directly in charge of 18% of the economy and the health and well being of all Americans. Now that's a cynical strategy worthy of the father of lies himself.

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