Friday, March 26, 2010

Indirection and Lying: MOs of the Demon-crats

SEE HERE There are certain things that one can use to stabilize oneself in an unstable and sometime even illusory world. One of those things is the reliable character (or lack there-of) of the Demon-crats among us. Now to put this in perspective, these delightful folks have just bullied through Congress using all sorts of distortions, accusations, political bribery, outright lying, the biggest government take over of the private sector in the history of the nation. This is not all that popular. So as their standard tool they come up with sliming the other side with false charges and rhetoric. Now on any balanced measure it is easy to show that violence is a Demon-crat staple, something they do all the time yelling and screaming and vilification of their opponents in the rudest, crudest possible ways. They are the ones always screaming "racist" or "Nazi" while their opponents are mostly saying things like "statist" or "liberal" or "leftist", hardly words with the same emotional connotation. Moreover their folks hurt people. Just go back and look at the people who were threatened, bullied, maligned at the Town Hall Meetings. It's frankly disgraceful that they can get away with this junk. But most people are working too hard supporting their families to notice that they are being gulled, lied to, and slowly enslaved. Waking up one morning and discovering that the last of your freedom has trickled down the drain is hardly a pleasing prospect. So get sensitized to what is going on. When Demon-crats are pointing fingers it is usually to avoid being noticed for what they are up to. One hand knows not what the other is doing. CHECK THIS


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