Friday, July 29, 2011

Are Their Lips Moving?

SEE HERE I've been thinking about writing a short article about arguing with liberals. It's a thankless task like trying to pin jello to a wall. The reason is that to have an argument you have to care about the truth. Mortimer Adler said that the whole point of an argument was to jointly arrive at the truth. I agree with that but I wonder what Adler would have said about argument with liberal progressives whose motivation seems different. The only point is winning and achieving their goal. The current fiscal situation of the United States is unsustainable. You could simply confiscate all the rich people's property lock stock and barrel and you'd not be able to pay off the deficit. If we don't stop making the problem worse we'll be looking at a disaster.

Ownership of the problem can't be shirked by claiming that it's all Bush, Reagan ... someone else's fault. Our current leadership have grown the debt in two years more than any other administration has done in eight and there's no end in sight. This is a recipe for disaster and then they stonewall the Republicans who want to actually address the real problem and not just pretend it will go away.

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