Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If It Weren't For Double Standards, Liberals Would Have No Standards At All

SEE HERE "Once more into the breach dear friends ..." The hypocrisy of the liberal media and the progressives is simply astonishing and without any sense of shame whatsoever. If you ever want to understand what liberalism is about and what lack of integrity looks like just look at the way these folks always look the other way when their own are up to something and bash their opponents as if there is no tomorrow when the same thing or something less damning comes along.

Sarah Palin's comment about liberal hypocrisy seems so 'spot-on' (as the British say) that I can't help repeating it. This happens all the time. The only conclusion I can make is that they have no values whatsoever. The only thing they care about is winning and frankly while that might wash in a baseball game it is despicable in real life. Were the right to behave the way these slime balls do they'd be screaming bloody murder and if the Lame Stream Media had any standard or values of their own they'd be calling them on it. But they aren't and they won't and so you know that you're up against evil.

Make no mistake about it. People who act this way are evil. They get very upset when you say that, but it's hard to draw any other conclusion. So stand up and say it. This is the crowd for whom values are simply an opinion unless you happen to offend them and then you're a [pick a random despicable name] but the reality is that they're just projecting their own lack of values on the world around them. Sorry, C.S. Lewis called it years ago when he wrote "The Abolition of Man."

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