Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Slaying the Fearful Sky Dragon

SEE HERE Sometimes you have to engage reality and CO2 is not the climate driver it has been claimed to be. Quite the opposite. It rises after the warming so it is climate that drives CO2 not the other way around. What makes the climate grow warmer and cooler? The sun ... Duh! That being said, reading the reviews of this book should make you cautious about swallowing it hook-line-and-sinker. There is a lot of criticism of the science in the reviews posted on Amazon. I'm always interested in books with "U"-shaped review curves ... lots of fives and lots of ones with nothing much between. These usually indicated an ideological issue that has huge disagreements of a fundamental nature. When the book is about science it usually means politicized science. So it's a good idea if you read the book to be careful to confirm what is being said. I never trust the rock-throwers overly much but any controversy requires confirmation of the data and principles under discussion.

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