Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fact or Fiction? — Should We Be Scared or Amused?

SEE HERE I don't know what to make of this stuff ... it gets more and more surreal.  I began worrying about the direction our country was taking when the American citizens started getting targeted with violence.  Ruby Ridge and the attack on the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas was the beginning of my total loss of trust in the government.  It has only gotten more surreal with time.  The free republic that the Founders envisioned seems under serious attack and very few seem to be concerned.  So exactly what is going on?

Here's a much earlier report.  It tends to sound like alarmism to me but it coordinates with a lot of other information which makes me cautious ... this report is from this past May.  The predictions of economic collapse have not yet happened and may not happen.  We are on an adverse track, but this stuff is likely excessive.  What is strange is some of the activity reported to be occurring in the DHS.

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