Monday, July 23, 2012

Reality 101 Part 2: What Hath Liberalism Wrought?

SEE HERE Some of us are old enough to remember when President Kennedy was assassinated and later when President Johnson launched the Great Society's War on Poverty. What has the result been? The result has been the destruction of the lower class. The result has been an explosion in the number of illegitimate children. The result has been single parent homes where mothers struggle and fathers are no-where to be found. The result has been the rise of the drug culture. The result has been no decrease in the impoverished only a decrease in their ability to see a way out. The programs that have been championed by the liberal progressives has made a problem into a disaster and their only program is more of the same. It's time to get rid of that bunch altogether and start over with more rational programs that create initiative and don't just crush it.

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