Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Get a VP That's Alive!

"Good grief, man- the Veep is supposed to be an attack-dog, especially when the guy on the top of the ticket comes across like C3PO in a Clark Kent wig!" — This was a quote from HERE reacting to the thought that Mitt Romney might select Tim Pawlenty as his VP.

Frankly Mitt Romney is a train wreck going somewhere.  He has the personality of a Ken Barbie-Doll which is why I've called him "plastic-man" in the past.  But he seems to have wrapped up the nomination.  Why must the Republicans pick these lackluster losers when there are exciting, passionate, motivated and committed people out there that they could have rallied behind.  There's hardly a Republican candidate that was running that I didn't prefer to Mitt Romney.  But there we have it.

The VP needs to balance the ticket not try to be so boring that Mitt looks like something special by comparison.  The only think John McCain did right in his whole campaign was pick Sarah Palin as his running mate.  But then they failed to use her effectively.  If there is something worse than these lackluster candidates it is the hollow zombies that they hire as campaign professionals.  They are a bunch of empty suits more plastic than the candidates.  We really need to change the way politics is done in this country to get back to having real people run.  We've made it so painful that only the real dedicated power hungry losers are motivated enough to run.  That's not the way to run a great nation.  It's not even the way to run a small business.  Perhaps it explains how a total narcissist with no experience doing anything in particular could become president of the United States.

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