Monday, November 26, 2012

Liberals Practice Cargo Cult Economics

SEE HERE I had to offer this piece up because the summary of the liberal approach to economics as "Cargo Cult Economics" hit the nail so squarely on the head. The one thing that liberals have no idea at all about is economics. They treat it like some kind of magic or incantation. They print money out of thin air and they spend it faster than they print it. Luckily so far, many of the folks that would otherwise have spread this phony money around have been a bit reluctant or perhaps it is just that the people who would have to pay it back with real effort are reluctant, but at least we've been spared runaway inflation so far. Don't hold your breath too long. If your job is secure you could float more debt since when the inflation hits you can pay your debt back in cheaper dollars just like the Germans did after WWI. Of course you may not like the surrounding economy which will be in the dumps and the job you think secure right now may not be so secure in the face of economic chaos. Keep the faith and remember that George Bush didn't do it, the numbskull Liberals did. They will be spreading lies to cover their tracks as usual. No Liberal ever took responsibility for anything they messed up.

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