Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Does This Mean that Republicans Are Developing a Little Backbone?

SEE HERE I sure hope so! I'm so tired of RINO Republicans and roll over and play dead Republicans and Republicans that say one thing on the hustings and quite another when they cross the Potomac. We have only one historic opportunity to turn back the economic collapse of the United States and that's now. It's not tomorrow because tomorrow never comes. We can't do it by just jawboning. We've tried that and it never works with Democrats, they just lie to you and then do whatever they want. George Bush the elder should know that down to his toes. "Read my lips, no new taxes." But as soon as the Democrats agreed to roll back spending then he signed up for new taxes. Did the Democrats deliver on their part of the deal? Are they Democrats? Of course not. They never do! When their lips move it isn't to agree to anything to to make commitments, it's only to get you to do what they want. Then they do whatever they wanted to in the first place. Why we can't just figure that out and stop trusting them to do anything but wreck the country is beyond me. I've watched this country go downhill for 50 years. We are much less free today than when I was a boy. We have to work longer hours to live the American dream and both mothers and fathers have to work, which means that children are neglected. Sure they have every gadget money can buy. They can text and take pictures with their cell phones and they are lost and without vision. They also have to be led around by their noses because they have not been taught to think for themselves and be independent. Instead they are brought up to be wards of the state. In this direction tyranny and slavery lie. Stand up and turn back the clock to a time when Americans were independent and selfstarting free men and women. We don't need the state to make all our decisions for us. We can do it. We don't need a wet nurse bureaucrat in Washington to tell us what to do and how to do it. Draw a line in the sand and begin today to take back freedom.

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