Saturday, May 28, 2011

If This Goes On ...

SEE HERE "If this goes on ..." is a science fiction category for generating plots by extrapolating some trend into the future, often to extremes. It seemed like an appropriate theme for the notion of individual states starting their own currencies in hard metals. If you study the history of money in the United States you'll find there were all sorts of fascinating things including paper money issued as bank-notes so that shopkeepers had to have catalogs of banknotes so that they knew which ones they could safely take. This goes the other way from paper to hard currency. I'm inclined to see this as a positive development which could influence the Fed to slow or stop the destruction of the value of the dollar. There is no fundamental reason why anyone has to trade in dollars. Long before the United States became the United States there were all sorts of hard money currencies in simultaneous exchange. You might get a kick out of THIS Wikipedia article if hard currency history interests you. CHECK IT OUT!

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