Thursday, May 12, 2011

Some Folks Just Don't Believe It

SEE HERE I always like Mark Levin's lead in that goes something like "From a deep underground bunker whose location is a guarded secret ..." etc. There are a whole lot of folks that relate to that sense of guarded pessimism, that we're being railroaded all the time by a less than candid government and a bunch of media flacks that couldn't get a story right if you wordsmithed it for them and they just ran it straight. This whole "We got Osama ..." narrative feels wrong and that White House total mismanagement and lying isn't helping. I guess we can say that Osama is dead, but it is less clear that it's because Seal Team Six shot him just a few days ago. Maybe they did, but the total ineptitude and haste to dispose of the body doesn't make it any more plausible. The flip side of course is the story of the stealth helicopter that we managed to leave on the scene after conveniently having the presence of mind to carry explosives to blow it up. What? This whole thing sounds more like it comes out of a Hollywood movie than like real life, but who knows. Truth is stranger than fiction and if that's true this has to be true because it certainly is strange.

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