Monday, May 9, 2011

The Trainee President

SEE HERE Moe Lane takes the New York Slimes (ur Times) to task for their unfortunate attribute of being locked in the dark ages before blogging. Then he gets down to the real point which is that Barack Obama is a "trainee president" and worse, an unreflective neophyte who seem incapable of learning because he is incapable of self-discovery. After all, how can perfection be improved upon.

The reality as Lane points out, is that Obama is not only a trainee president but a relatively abysmal one. But he's the trainee the American people chose and if that doesn't convict the electorate of being supercilious I don't know what will. Whether the republic can survive such towering misjudgment, both the electorate's and Obama's, is something we have yet to discover. I pray it will.

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