Thursday, August 13, 2009

Abortion Kills Mothers Too! Lots of Them

We've been told by all the fans of baby killing (you know, the "Pro-Choicers") that it makes abortion safe for the mother so they don't have to do it in the back alley. Somehow the fact that it's never safe for the baby doesn't faze anyone. Scarier though is that it also increases the numbers of mothers dying. SEE HERE
I don't see why that would be surprising. The back alley abortion deterred a lot of mothers from trying abortions, but now that it's "SAFE" (sure it is honey) many more are doing it and dying or suffering from other complications. 50% plus of the people involved in an abortion die. Oh, I forgot, we're not supposed to count the baby. I keep forgetting that. In some sense 100% of the people involved in abortion die. The mother will never be a real mother again knowing she killed her child. The spiritual death is a death too.

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