Monday, August 3, 2009

Weirder and Weirder: No No Not Again!

The Obama birth certificate challenge continues getting weirder and weirder. Today I got notified that Orly Taitz, the attorney that seems to have made Obama's birth certificate and non-citizenship her mission on earth filed evidence of a Kenyan birth certificate. Is it real? Who knows. You make the call SEE HERE

Here's some reaction from the blogosphere. Essentially a lot of points are made that dismiss the document as a fake. GO HERE
It does look pretty good though. take a look see ... (likely a fake according to some bloggers and credited with possibly being authentic by others — Who knows? The beat goes on!) If it is a fake then I wonder if that means that some sort of charges could be brought against Orly Taitz. I suppose that depends on her story about how she obtained the document.

That's the top of it and the bottom is here. (see below)

Is it authentic? Someone who knows more about documents and Kenya will have to determine that. It's certainly interesting that this dance goes on. The attorney is certainly tenacious and committed to this crusade. Everyone keeps saying it's nonsense and that it's all koolaid. Whether it is or not it makes great political kabuki (which I take to mean showmanship that advances a particular agenda regardless of whether it is correct or not). Our system seems to have generated more and more of that of late.

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