Saturday, August 1, 2009

Enough Stupid Government

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Cash for clunkers is about as stupid an idea as one could imagine. Is your money being handled wisely by the government? A billion here and a billion there simply thrown away, rapidly grows to a trillion here and a trillion there. I was amused today when someone said to me "Don't anyone tell Obama what comes after a trillion!" Scary thought?

We need to tell the government "Enough already!" Enough waste. Enough fraud. Enough abuse. Enough taxes. Enough bureaucracy. Enough paperwork. Enough bailouts. Enough stupidity. Enough bills that are passed without being read (What is that but massive irresponsibility?).

I'm going to try to keep track of the ten or so most stupid ideas that the government has come up with.

I think number one has to be cash for clunkers. A useless giveaway program that is badly managed and just a hemorrhage of money with more likely to be thrown after the first.

Cap and trade has to be even worse since it amounts to a massive tax on energy justified by the stupid idea that CO2 is a pollutant. Let's just put a respirator on everyone, ah yes CO2. When plants grow they convert CO2 to oxygen and that's how carbon gets into the plants and that's an essential plant nutrient. The idea that CO2 causes global warming is vastly overrated. It does and if it were not for global warming the world would be much less habitable. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is way over the saturation knee so multiple doublings of CO2 will have only minor effects on the atmosphere. This is fear mongering in the service of a huge energy tax.

Have you noticed how Medicare and Medicaid are unsustainable and filled with fraud and abuse? We want to give more health care responsibility to a government that is totally botching what it is already running. When the government screws up (and they will) you will have no recourse. This is going to be a disaster if it passes.

More as we focus in on the Obama led demise of the United States as we know it. Tyranny Rising!

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