Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sweet Land of Liberty: They Don't Know This Country Any More

A poignant song for a Sunday reflection on where liberty is going. If Government is the answer, what was the question? If you're a liberal the question seems to be anything at all since for liberals, government in the universal answer. Just belly up to the bar and say "We have a problem and the government should solve it." But the liberty of free men is not having others solve our problems for us and that's especially true when the so-called problem solvers are faceless bureaucrats miles and miles away who could care less about us. We're just a pay check and a daily burden. So have a listen and ask yourself if you really want a super-nannystate dictating to everyone? There's a big Tea Party in Washington on September 12th, the day after 9/11 and I think the date is significant as a symbol of Americans coming together to defend liberty. We have to resist Tyranny Rising!

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