Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Crucial Word is not "Care" but "CONTROL"

Thomas Sowell is one of my heros. I admit it. I first heard him on William F. Buckley's Firing Line and he was a steady and wise voice. I bought one of his books and then I bought more of his books. I regularly read his columns. He is wise and thoughtful man.

If you want to know why we shouldn't even consider this frightful health control program that the administration is trying to jam through without giving us a chance to read it or an opportunity to ponder and consider, weight and analyze it, you'd do well to read Thomas Sowell's take on it. SEE HERE

This isn't a move because the government is so concerned with your health. It's a move to take over an eighth of the entire economy. It isn't new either. It's been creeping up on us my whole life and now it's reached the tipping point. Sowell points out something fundamental:

Right now, medications or treatments that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration are medications or treatments that you are not allowed to buy with your own money, no matter how desperate your medical condition, and no matter how many years these medications or treatments may have been used without dire effects in other countries.

It's important to understand what is at stake. The United States is the primary source of new health care technology in the world. That will cease when the government takes over and we will sink into the mire of inefficiency and mediocrity because that is what bureaucracy brings.

Sowell sums up his assessment with the insight:

The crucial word is not "care" but "control."

Tyranny Rising!

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