Tuesday, August 4, 2009

American Health Care: The Real Story

I've been listening to the left talking points about how terrible the health care crisis is and how awful our medical access is and all the other made up nonsense that they can invent to advance their agenda and it's just about enough to make you gag. These are lies and if you think about your own health care, the doctors that you know, the health care you've received and you know it is a lie. It doesn't mean that there are not health care failures, but the fact of the matter is that our health care is the best in the world. The Hoover Institute has done of the favor of documenting that fact. SO CLICK HERE and read the truth.

Not only do we have better medical results than anywhere else in the world, but we have been responsible for the vast majority of the new medical technology. Gee ... isn't that surprising coming from this terrible failed system. It is a bunch of lies folks. LIES! That's what it is when people intentionally tell untruths for reasons other than the ones they claim. These people want power and control. They don't care a fig for you. And to advance their agenda they simply manufacture stories and if you track it you can see it. One day it is one thing and the next day it is another. That is the footprint of lying manipulators. They want to control the economic resources that go into health care. They want to control people. It's a phony issue.

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